Submit your home clips and amateur photos

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Submit your home clips and amateur photos

Be an amateur porn-star!

All submissions are welcome! We will review all submitted content and will publish it on Zorg List  very soon.
If your content much with our Special Terms for FREE Membership Submissions you will receive:
For photos: One month FREE membership for
For movieclips: One month FREE membership for

By uploading your files you are agree with our Terms for Submission.

General Terms for Submission:

 1. You must have at least 18 years age to submit to Zorg List
 2. Content must be homemade /real amateurs/ only!
 3. No gay content, no single male content
 4. You must upload your own content or you must have permission for using other`s content.
 5. Do not upload files with minors, besteality, bizzare, scat, piss etc. content.
 6. Video format must be WMV; AVI; MPEG; MPG; FLV; MOV.
 7. Video size must be no more than 200 MB.
 8. There is no restriction about the quality and duration of video clips.
 9. Picture format must be .jpg or .jpeg.
10. By submitting to Zorg List you agree that we may use your content and to other our sites or for advertising purposes. Also, we have rights to change your content /video and picture format, to put watermarks etc./. All video formats will be changed to .flv or mp4 for streaming.
11. We have rights to decline or/and remove any content at any time without notice.

Special Terms for FREE Membership Submitions
1. You must submit at least 10 photos (we prefer sets of photos)
2. You must submit at least one movie clip with duration at least 3 minutes.
3. Take a least one picture with your girlfriend or your self holding a paper with "Zorg List" or "OurSexPhotos" or "Ourhomeclips" name written on it or showing an object showing the site, site logo or site name (e.g. PC display).

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